Friday, January 28, 2011

3 Months Old!

Arli is 3 months old!!
Things she can do now is ..
1 Smile all the time
2 Has 4 fat rolls on each leg
3 Can totally hold up her head
4 Loves to be held
5 Loves talking especially right before she gets tired. She will start out talking and end up yelling caz she is tired.
6 She eats every 2 hours unless she is busy playing and forgets she is hungry
7 Loves to lay on her blankets and watch tv or stare at her toys or watch football
8 Loves bath time .. she would stay in there for hours if i let her..
9 Smiles when she sees her mom or dad
10 Growing up so fast! Its kinda making me sad

She weighs 13.12 pounds
24 inches long


  1. She looks just like Walter!! I love all her outifts and bows you put on her. She is beautiful:)
