Projects.. so I have been slowly trying to finish our home. But i think it will be a never ending process!!! a few weeks ago some of our good friends Adam and Nicole gave us there old computer desk and i painted it cream and put it in our office!! then i painted a matching chair.. but i couldnt stop there !!! Then I finished with a cute picture fram memory board. Someday I will get our office / craft room done!!!!

Also this month .. I turned 24!! Im not going to lie, I would of been fine it just being another day because im not ready to get old. I think I am fine with being 23 forever. Its the 2 year anniversary for Brian and I, and the year I had a sweet little baby girl Arli!! oh well it can only get better from here right??

here is the only picture I was able to take with my hubs on my b day he is pretty anti camera and Im surprised he actually smiled!!!

We went out for a fun family dinner at my favorite restaurant Carrabbas!!! Arli was so good the whole time and we had an amazing time !! Thanks again to all the family and friends and especially my wonderful husband Brian for making my day so special !! I love you guys..
Arli is 5 months !! where did the time go?? wasnt I just pregnant?? ill post 5 month pics soon.
sweet crafts! wish i was that handy.